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Summer Skincare Regimen

July 7, 2010

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Did you know that in the summer your skin care regimen may need to change? As we spend more time at water parks, at the beach, in the pool, or at home gardening, the sun and chemicals we’re exposed to change the moisture level and texture of our skin. This means you might have to temporarily change your skin care regimen.

Depending on the type of activities you’re doing this summer, you might be exposing your skin to different environmental factors, like chemicals, sun and humidity. If you’re going to water parks this summer, you’re more exposed to the drying effects of chlorine and other pool chemicals. Or if you’re spending time at the beach, the sand and salty water can wick away the moisture in your skin. You might even experience more acne as the humidity climbs.

Beauti & You

Pay attention to how your skin is reacting to the environment around you. If you’re using acne product, but are doing activities that might dry out your skin, you might want to switch to something like the basic Skinlogics® line temporarily. While it still has some acne-fighting properties, it’s also not quite as drying as an acne line. Or if you tend to get dry, red cheeks in the summer, you might have a touch of rosacea that’s not apparent the rest of the year. The Skinlogics® Sensitive line will do the trick for that. Or, if it’s very humid where you’re vacationing, you might want to temporarily switch to the Skinlogics® Clear line to combat the clogged pored that can come with increased sweat, especially if you won’t have the chance to clean your skin as often as you normally do.

And don’t forget to wear sunblock ANYTIME you’re going outside! Sometimes we don’t think about sun exposure when we’re just running to the grocery store, or to the bank. But even just a few minutes of exposure to the summer sun (even behind clouds), can do extensive cumulative damage. You should never be without the environmental protection of Cell Block-C® products.

Exfoliation is very important too. It’s removes the top dead dry layers and make your skin look and feel younger. This is especially important if you’re exposed to the sun quite a bit. But make sure you don’t use these products immediately before going in the sun, since your skin will be more prone to sunburn for a short while. You might even want to apply an extra helping of sunblock.

No matter what your skin type, don’t forget to moisturize. Simple daily activities like swimming, exercising and shaving can disrupt the skin’s natural oil and moisture levels. To counteract skin stress caused by your daily routine, apply a moisturizer appropriate for your skin type to keep things soft, supple and hydrated.

 And most of all, have fun this summer!

If you need tips on what to use this summer, or have a specific skin issue, leave a comment here or on my Facebook Page:


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