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The Real Man’s Skincare

May 31, 2010

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For this post, instead of preaching to you about taking care of your skin, I’d love to tell you a story. This is the story of a real man who refused to use a good skin care regimen because it wasn’t manly.

Since he was a teenager, this man was a mechanic in one form or another, getting dirt and grime on his face no matter how much he tried not to. He washed with soap and water religiously, because he didn’t see the benefit of using a facial cleanser or scrub. He dealt with the typical male skin issues, sporadic acne and occasional ingrown hairs.  This particular guy is now mechanic supervisor. And although he’s a supervisor, he’s still around the shop and it’s inevitable that dirt still gets on his face. Needless to say, he was getting tired of dealing with the skin issues that come with the job.

One day, his wife suggested he use the men’s facial scrub and moisturizer from BC to combat some of the issues he was dealing with. He was resistant at first, but she asked him what he had to lose. So he gave in and started using the scrub a couple of times a day, and the moisturizer occasionally.

In about a week, the transformation was amazing! Although he was a very handsome man to begin with, using the scrub and moisturizer made his skin look fantastic!  To let you in on a little secret, this man is my husband, Jon. And I’m ecstatic that he gave in that day and took my advice. His skin looks amazing and he rarely has any acne or issues that are attributed to his job anymore. The best part is that those small steps that he’s taken to take care fo his skin will also help him look younger years from now.

If you’re the wife, girlfriend or significant other of a guy that won’t take care of his skin, or if you’re the guy that won’t take care of his skin……..having bad skin is not manly, having good skin IS!

What do you have to lose?

Have a great Memorial Day holiday! And thank you to all the troops and people in the military that make our freedom possible. We love you all!


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